Leverage was a cool TV show about a bunch of thieves of various types - Mastermind, Grifter, Hacker, Hitter, and Thief - who joined up to use their skill-sets to do a little good for those who needed help and to bring some justice to those in power who had wronged them. It was a fun show interspersed with humor and wit...and was canceled at the end of 2012. As much as I'd wanted to see more, the series probably ran its course and it was given the opportunity for closure with an epic ending.
I was glad to see it made into an RPG by Margaret Weis Productions, using their Cortex system (in the case of this game, Cortex Lite, if you will). It's a pretty simple and straightforward system that has enough structure to it to make sessions run well and make them interesting, while at the same time giving some serious leeway and generality to make the game what you need it to be.
Instead of highlighting the minute details of the system, I'm going to share with you my favorite parts of it - the things that make it unique and fun to me.
First, is the fact that in this game when you start off gaming you're already at pretty much the top of your profession. Instead of the challenge in other RPGs of starting at level 1 and working your way up, the challenge of this game is how to best use the awesome skills that you do have to be a part of the team and make the jobs happen. It's a completely different feel than you may be used to and I think it's a refreshing one.
Even when you roll 1s on your rolls - complications - while you may not succeed at what you were doing and give an extra die to the bad guys to roll at some point, you are still rewarded. What? Yes, really. Whenever you roll a complication you are rewarded with a Plot Point...and Plot Points make the world go around!